🍪 Potato Gratin Vegetarian Recipe Bechamel Sauce Cheddar Cheese Baking-Béchamel maison : la la plus réussie recette à tester absolument

Potato Gratin Vegetarian Recipe Bechamel Sauce Cheddar Cheese Baking - La recette béchamel est l’une des sauces les plus populaires de la gastronomie française. Elle est souvent utilisée comme base pour d’autres préparations et plats, tels que les lasagnes, les casseroles, les soufflés et les moussakas. La béchamel est également utilisée pour mélanger les ingrédients dans les soupes et les ragoûts, donnant ainsi une texture crémeuse à ces plats délicieux.

La recette de la béchamel est relativement facile et ne nécessite que quelques éléments de base. Les ingrédients principaux sont le beurre doux, la farine et le lait. Il est important d’utiliser des ingrédients de haute qualité pour obtenir le plus savoureux arôme possible.

Potato Gratin Vegetarian Recipe Bechamel Sauce Cheddar Cheese Baking

vegetarian Potato Gratin Recipe Bechamel Sauce and cheddar cheese Baked Potatoes Materials needed for 100 people 30 kilograms of potatoes Béchamel sauce essentials 750 grams of margarine small amount of sunflower oil 500 grams of sifted wheat flour3 liters of milk salt and sugar, boiling water 5 kg cheese for cheese grater, potato shoemaker, knife and chopping board pots and oven tray in sufficient sizeDetailed description of vegetarian potato gratin potato with bechamel sauce on the fire Necessary materials I will make a meal for a hundred people, the amount that will be enough for a hundred people thirty kilograms of potatoes liquid sunflower oil half a kilograms of flour seventy-five grams vegetable margarine strength sugar and salt three liters of milk five kilograms of kashar cheese grater, knife, and potato shoemaker firstly strip the potatoes help your videos reach more people by showing appreciation you can get more people to see it. cut black stains on potatoes with a knife wash peeled potatoes with cold water use a sharp knife and chop potatoes chop potatoes in large round or oval shape potatoes should not be too thin, you should bloom thick boiling water should be available in the neighborhood  add potatoes to a large pot add salt add pots of boiling water to the pots After fifteen minutes of boiling, bring the fire to a low level wait forty minutes on a low heat and turn off the fire wait five more minutes to be well cooked cook more if potatoes do not dissolve add cooked potatoes to the oven tray in anhydrous form Béchamel sauce needs to be prepared Add margarine to a pot to prepare bechamel sauce add small amount of liquid sunflower oil into margarine and mix the smell of margarine will double the flavor of this meal add half a kilogram of sifted wheat flour and stir I need to mix it up you need to use boiling water and cold milk add salt and sugar before adding water carefully add boiling water add cold milk with stirring I add three liters of cold milk and I wait for it to boil be sure to check the taste of the mushroom you prepared and the salt may be missing turn off the fire after boiling and solidifying After the bechamel sauce is ready, add equal portions over the potatoes you can use perforated skimmer in this way to evenly spread the moss it only needs to be small enough to cover potatoes wipe the sides of the tray with napkin five kilograms of shredded cheddar cheese is required add the grated cheese to the top and cover it with whole cheese cook in the middle of the oven after removing from the oven, margarine on top we will divide this food in equal amounts rest for an hour before you eat out of small trays up to fifty pieces can be served your fruit juice soup and tomato salad will be nice next to this meal please like videosome watch other recipes goodbye to see you in another recipe

La béchamel peut également être congelée pour une utilisation ultérieure. Pour cela, il suffit de la verser dans un sachet hermétique et de la congeler. Avant de l’utiliser, il suffit de la décongeler lentement au réfrigérateur et de la réchauffer doucement dans une casserole à feu doux en touillant régulièrement.

En résumé, la sauce béchamel est une préparation culinaire facile mais délicieuse qui peut être utilisée pour une diversité de plats. La clé pour réussir la béchamel est de remuer sans arrêt pendant la cuisson pour prévenir la formation de boulettes. Avec un peu de pratique, la béchamel peut devenir une préparation culinaire simple à préparer et qui impressionnera vos convives.