🤩 FALAFEL: My Favorite Ones Around Lebanon! فلافل: مفضلاتي حول لبنان-Falafel sind eine gesunde, köstliche Alternative für alle, die auf tierische Produkte verzichten möchten

FALAFEL: My Favorite Ones Around Lebanon! فلافل: مفضلاتي حول لبنان - Falafel ist ein traditionelles Gericht aus dem Nahen Osten, das aus frittierten Kichererbsenbällchen besteht. Es ist nicht nur köstlich, sondern auch nahrhaft und einfach zu machen. Hier werde ich Ihnen ein unkompliziertes Falafel-Rezept vorstellen, das Sie zu Hause ausprobieren können.

FALAFEL: My Favorite Ones Around Lebanon! فلافل: مفضلاتي حول لبنان

#Lebanon #LebanonFood #Foodinlebanon #MadeinLebanon #لبنان #FALAFEL #falafellebanon #veganfood #vegansandwich #Bestoff . FALAFEL: My Favorite Ones Around Lebanon! Vegan and Delicious Middle Easter Street Food Sandwich . THE BEST FALAFEL CAN BE FOUND IN LEBANON The Best Country to do Falafel is Lebanon. Falafel can be made with chickpeas, fava beans or a mix of both. . فلافل: المفضل لدي حول لبنان! شطيرة نباتية ولذيذة من طعام الشارع في الشرق الأوسط . Al Sadat Kousba: https://youtu.be/wtj1OQhqpZ4 https://youtu.be/Ez73yUZ0avc https://youtu.be/bv4H_imu2-E

Falafel Sahyoun: https://youtu.be/eR0Guwlzs7g

Falafel Tabbara: https://youtu.be/xN58S4nalEw

Falafel Akkawi: https://youtu.be/iwGseHYMrko

Falafel Maurice: https://youtu.be/7h4mFrkahko . Falafel is a deep-fried ball, or a flat or doughnut-shaped patty, made from ground chickpeas, fava beans, or both. Herbs, spices, and onion relatives are commonly added to the dough. It is a well-known Middle Eastern dish that most likely originated in Egypt. . A 3.5 ounce serving of deep-fried falafel – no pita or toppings – has roughly 330 calories, 31 grams of carbohydrate, 17.5 grams of fat, 13 grams of protein and 294 milligrams of sodium. Falafel is also a good source of soluble fibre, the type that helps lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. . Falafel doesn’t contain meat, dairy, or any other animal products, and have become a popular food choice among vegetarians and vegans. Falafels are made of soaked and mashed chickpeas combined with onions, bread crumbs, and spices. As they are fried, they are not healthy but they are vegan.. . “Lebnen A7la Balad Bel 3alam” and I’ve been trying to prove it since 2012. I’m Anthony Rahayel, passionate Lebanese, dental surgeon by profession, professional photographer, advocate of great food, blogger, YouTuber, influencer, marketing expert and TV presenter; having one and single aim, that is to show Lebanese and the world, “The Lebanon as not seen on TV”. I have founded Lebanon’s street food market “Souk el Akel” and won the award of “World Street Food Blogger of 2019”.

Since 2012 I’ve had only one goal – To uncover the real face of Lebanon, not the one that makes headlines on international television shows, but the real, the amazing, traditional and authentic Lebanon. It is that Lebanon I seek to broadcast far and wide. A Lebanon full of life, passion and vitality, full of people who are producing the most wonderful dishes, meals, desserts and much, much more.

NoGarlicNoOnions with its food blog (5,000 articles to date), Youtube channel (130,000 subscribers), Instagram account (150,000 followers), google maps (600 million views) and Facebook page (95,000 followers) aims to discover the heroes behind this marvelous country, spread happiness and revive “Paris of the Middle East”.

With every day that goes by and every discovery made and every new venture developed, the aim is one. My aim is to keep people connected to each other and to their roots, to make everyone enjoy, smile when they taste something good and unique, to discover the endless food artisans available across the country… creating a positive and rich environment that allows us all to embrace what we have and embrace life. . You are watching another video by #NoGarlicNoOnions #AnthonyRahayel Our Projects: - The Blog: http://www.NoGarlicNoOnions.com - The TV show: http://www.nogarlicnoonions.com/category/mechwar/ . Follow us on Social Media: FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/nogarlicnoonions INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/nogarlicnoonions TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/nogarlicnoonion

SUPPORT: https://www.patreon.com/nogarlicnoonions MERCHANDISE: https://teespring.com/stores/nogarlicnoonions

Dieses Gericht stellen eine gesunde, leckere Alternative zu Fleischbällchen dar und eignen sich auch für Vegetarier und Veganer. Beim Frittieren wird die äußere Schicht der Kichererbsenbällchen knusprig, während die Innenseite weich und saftig bleibt. Dieses einfache Falafel-Rezept ist perfekt geeignet, das traditionelle Gericht zu Hause zuzubereiten und Ihren Gästen zu servieren. Probieren Sie es aus und lassen Sie sich von dem leckeren Geschmack überraschen!