✅ French "Tartiflette" Made in the Street of London. French Street Food-La spécialité de montagne est un classique de la cuisine française

French “Tartiflette” Made in the Street of London. French Street Food - La tartiflette est un plat typique de la cuisine hexagonale, originaire de la région de Savoie dans les montagnes alpines de France. Cette recette est facile, savoureuse et réconfortante par excellence, et est souvent préparée en hiver pour se réchauffer les corps et les âmes. Elle est composée de patates, de petits lardons fumés, d’oignons, de fromage reblochon et de crème fraîche.

French “Tartiflette” Made in the Street of London. French Street Food

Seen in Brick Lane

Tartiflette (is a French dish from the Savoy region in the French Alps (Savoie and Haute Savoie départements). It is made with potatoes, reblochon cheese, lardons and onions.[1] The word tartiflette is probably derived from the Arpitan word for potato, tartiflâ. " This modern recipe was inspired by a truly traditional dish called “péla”: a gratin of potatoes and onions (without cheese) in a long-handled pan called a pelagic (shovel) in the Provence region of France. It was developed in the 1980s by the Union Interprofessional Reblochon to promote sales of reblochon,[2] as is confirmed also by Christian Millau (of the Gault-Millau Guide) in his gastronomic dictionary. Tartiflette was first mentioned in a book of 1705, Le Cuisinier Royal et Bourgeois written by François Massialot and his assistant cook B. Mathieu. The name derives from the Savoyard word for potatoes, tartifles, a term also found in Provençal. As many traditional dishes in the region the potato is a staple ingredient. Instead of the rest of nowadays France, Savoy as part of the Holy Roman Empire discovered the tubers earlier than the French. The Savoyards first heard of tartiflette when it began to appear on the menus of restaurants in the ski stations, conveying an image of authenticity and mountain terroir. A common, related preparation found throughout the region is the Croziflette. The format of this adheres to that of the original dish in everything but the use of potatoes, in place of which are found minuscule squares of locally produced pasta, crozets de Savoie (usually made from buckwheat but sometimes durum). The name of this dish is a portmanteau of “crozet” and “tartiflette”.

Cette recette de tartiflette est parfaite pour les froides soirées d’hiver en famille ou entre amis. Elle est simple à réaliser et est très savoureuse. Le fromage reblochon, fromage typique de la région savoyarde, apporte une saveur incomparable à ce plat, qui est très apprécié des amateurs de cuisine française classique.

En résumé, la tartiflette est un plat festif et chaleureux, qui est très apprécié en terre française. Essayez cette recette facile à préparer et régalez-vous en famille ou entre amis.