💯 Layered Bechamel Pasta Recipe - Egyptian Macarona bel Bechamel - مكرونة بالبشاميل-Recette maison de la béchamel : la meilleure recette à essayer absolument

Layered Bechamel Pasta Recipe - Egyptian Macarona bel Bechamel - مكرونة بالبشاميل - La recette béchamel est l’une des préparations culinaires les plus appréciées de la gastronomie française. Elle est souvent utilisée comme élément de base pour d’autres sauces et recettes, tels que les cannellonis, les gratins, les préparations soufflées et les gratins d’aubergines. La béchamel est également utilisée pour mélanger les ingrédients dans les soupes et les ragoûts, conférant ainsi une consistance onctueuse à ces plats savoureux.

La recette de la béchamel est assez simple et ne nécessite que peu de éléments de base. Les ingrédients essentiels sont le beurre doux, la farine de blé et le lait. Il est essentiel d’utiliser des ingrédients de qualité supérieure pour obtenir le meilleur goût possible.

Layered Bechamel Pasta Recipe - Egyptian Macarona bel Bechamel - مكرونة بالبشاميل

I’m Obi from Middle Eats and I’m on a mission to show you how to cook delicious food from across the whole of the Middle East. Today I’m going to be showing you how to make Makarona bel Bechamel, a staple in all Egyptian homes.

If you want to request a video for a Middle Eastern Recipe, please leave me a comment.

Ingredients Tomato Sauce: 1l - 33.8 fl oz of crushed tomatoes (2 cans of tomatoes or 1 kg tomatoes blended) 1 Onion 1 1/2 tsp salt 3/4 tsp Black Pepper 1 tbsp Butter

Bechamel: 250g - 8.8 oz Plain Flour 250g - 8.8 oz Butter 1.5l - 50.7 fl oz Cold Milk 2 1/2 tsp Salt 1 tsp White Pepper Hint of nutmeg

Mince Meat: 1 tbsp Butter or Oil 1 medium Onion 500g - 17.6 oz Minced Beef 1 Garlic Clove 3/4 tsp Salt 1/2 tsp Pepper



Tomato Sauce: 1- Prepare your crushed tomatoes by blending 2 cans of tomatoes or 1kg of tomatoes in a blender 2- Melt your butter in a stainless steel pot over a high heat, and add your large diced onions 3- Cook for a few minutes until the onions turn translucent 4- Add your crushed tomatoes to the pot and stir 5- Add in 1 1/2 tsp salt and 3/4 tsp pepper and mix 6- Bring to a boil and then cover with a lid, leaving it slightly ajar 7- Leave to simmer for 45 minutes on a medium to low heat 8- Sauce is ready when reduced to a third of original amount

Mince Meat: 1- Add oil or butter to a pan on high heat and crush your garlic clove into it 2- After 30 seconds add your onions, salt, and pepper then stir 3- Cook your onions for around 5 minutes until cooked through and move to one side of the pan 4- Add your minced beef to the empty part of the pan, pushing it down so it has good contact with the pan 5- Cook your beef for around 3 minutes then flip 6- After 3 more minutes break up your beef into small chunks using a wooden spoon 7- Stir the onions into the beef and cook for a further 5 minutes until brown and cooked through

Bechamel: 1- In a large non-stick pot melt all of your butter on a high heat 2- When melted add all of your flour and mix until all the butter has been absorbed 3- You are looking to form a wet dough that clumps together, if your mixture is looking too dry add more butter, if too dry add more flour. 4- Cook your dough for around 5 minutes until it starts to resemble wet sand 5- Start adding your milk 150ml at a time, add the milk and mix it in to the dough until fully combined 6- Keep adding your milk in batches of 150ml until you have mixed all the milk into the dough. You should be left with a thick bechamel. If your mixture is too doughy or dry, add more milk a little at a time. 7- Add your salt and pepper as well as a few small grates of nutmeg. Leave to cool before using.

To assemble: 1- Cook your penne pasta to the directions on your packet, drain then set aside. 2- In a small mixing bowl add your meat and half of your tomato sauce. 3- Mix the meat and the sauce till the meat is coated, feel free to add more sauce but make sure you keep 3-4 tablespoons aside as you will need these later 4- In a large mixing bowl add your pasta and 2/3rds of your bechamel and mix to combine. Press the bechamel into the pasta so it fills the tubes 5- In a 8 X 13 inch baking dish, put half of your pasta and press into a flat layer. Make sure not to leave any gaps and compress it well 6- Add your meat mixture and flatten until level, press down to compress 7- Add the rest of your pasta in an even layer on top of the meat and press flat. Fill in any gaps all the way to the edge 8- Add the remaining tomato sauce and spread thinly over the pasta 9- Finally cover the tomato sauce with rest of your bechamel you set aside earlier, spreading it into an even layer and smoothing the top 10- Beat your egg and brush or pour over the top

To cook: 1- Preheat your oven to 180c or 350f 2- Place the dish into the center of the oven and cook for 45 minutes until golden brown on top 3- Remove from the oven and let cool for at least 30 minutes Cut into 8-10 portions and enjoy

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/middleeatsyt/

La béchamel peut également être congelée pour une consommation différée. Pour cela, il suffit de la verser dans un sachet hermétique et de la congeler. Avant de l’utiliser, il suffit de la décongeler lentement au réfrigérateur et de la réchauffer à feu doux dans une casserole à feu doux en remuant constamment.

En résumé, la béchamel est une préparation culinaire simple mais délicieuse qui peut être utilisée pour une variété de plats. La clé pour réussir la béchamel est de remuer sans arrêt pendant la cuisson pour éviter la formation de grumeaux. Avec un peu de savoir-faire, la béchamel peut devenir une sauce simple à préparer et qui impressionnera vos convives.